Genealogy-Links - Bookstall & Resources for Sale

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Also take a look at the resources for sale & resources wanted page & Miscellaneous

At Bibliopolis Online Books we cover the entire United Kingdom and Ireland, but our strengths are in Suffolk, Norfolk, Staffordshire and Shropshire. We also offer a free book finding service. Our new site - - specializes in local history & genealogy books. It is intended that the new site will cover the whole of the UK and Ireland eventually - although we are still particularly strong on East Anglia at the moment. We continue to have a good selection of local and family history books ... including trade directories, monumental inscriptions and parish records. Go to -

Bibliopolis Online Books, 5 Victoria Terrace, High Street East Runton, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9NY. England.

Tel: 01263 513601 ... E-mail: [email protected]

The Parish Chest

Online Family History Store where you can purchase microfiche, CDs., family trees, charts, family history society memberships and renewals, transcriptions, census, research, maps, magazines and books.  In fact, just about everything you could possibly want or need to help you with your family history research

Go to - �The Parish Chest� web site

New CD & Booklet available; both formats are facsimile copies of the original 1896 reports regarding the explosion that killed seven miners. Both resources also include ten full colour images of the funeral cortege, the Derbyshire village of Blackwell and the �A Winning� colliery.

New book about Smalley in Derbyshire ... 'Pictures of Smalley', Village Past in Photographs, Maps and Drawings. Published by Robert Turton and Smalley Boys' School Reunion. Contains 136 pages & 140 illustrations.

See following URL link for full details, or email Robert Turton

Go to TWR Computing

Suppliers of Software and Computers for Family Historians

Telephone 01284 828271 or International +44 1284 828271

We are a specialist site based in the UK dedicated to genealogy supplies & have a wide range of genealogy books, family tree software & resources

8 Gough Close, Rotherham, Sth Yorkshire, S65 3BS

Tel: 01709 830782      Fax: 0870 166 6702

We have a wide range of microfiche resources covering the north-east of England and elsewhere, including indexes to many primary sources. Added to this is a growing number of archive books on CD-ROM, both regional and national in scope. For details see our online Catalogue:

113 East View, Wideopen, Tyne & Wear, NE13 6EF.

Tel:+44 (0)191 236 6416

Old Books & Maps on CD by Mail Order

JiGraH Resources computer services & mail order products for Family Historians. We now scan books to CD & have a wide selection of resources for sale - covering many counties.

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